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Next MSC Information Meeting

 Bi-Annual General Conference

Minutes of Information Meeting 16th April 2019
Erindale Community Hall, 1620 Dundas St. West, Mississauga

Present: Frank Stendardo, Bob Harrick, Andrew Lee, Narinder Dhuga, Daljeet Banwatt, Juliet Rebello, Roy Maynard, Darrel Davidson, Cynthia Harris, Al Mathias, Nooreen Merchant, Christine Marwan, Jackie Plata, Nadeem Shaikh, Andrew Gassmann, L. Noel, Nicole Triano, Wilma Francis, Christine Fonseca, Peggy Tyers, Paul Tyers, Amarjit Banwatt.
Regrets: Karen Sibel, Didar Mathon, Margaret Marland.

Frank welcomed all the members and guests and thanked them for attending the meeting.

Introduction of Members.

a) Approval of the agenda
Motion was moved by Al Mathias and seconded by Narinder Dhuga. Motion unanimously approved.

b) Approval of the last meeting minutes
Discussion took place regarding send a letter of recommendation to L. Smith. Motion was presented that” the letter should not be sent. Motion was moved by Probir and seconded by Juliet. Motion was approved by 4-3 vote.

c) President’s Report:
Frank provided background regarding the meeting at the Mississauga City Council, where C. Parish moved a motion to recognize Mississauga Seniors Council, which was approved by the Council and MSC got Erindale Community Hall to hold their meetings.

d)Guest Speakers introductions:
Frank introduced Paul Tyers, who talked about cashing the life insurance before its expiry date. He talked about the insurance act 115 and mentioned that some seniors may need to cash their insurance during their retirement days and this should be legalized in Ontario. Need a letter of support endorsing the initiative. Andrew Gassman took the notes and will respond later on.

Discussion took place regarding the dental care plan for low income seniors. Issue was raised that there is no provision for those whose income is higher than the seniors with low income. MSC to provide guidelines for the minimum income level threshold for seniors.

Nadeem Sheikh talked about the Provincial Budget and provided a copy of the budget to Frank. He mentioned that no private care in Ontario, fees are set and same care for everyone at low cost. Cap for Doctors to be removed to allow care for more patients.

Christine representing City Councilor talked about the side walk and windrow clearance, later depends on the cost effectiveness. City is looking into various options.
Concerns were raised by seniors regarding: a) Bus and Go train places which are not senior friendly; b) Senior transit passes and c) Trans Help cut off time and needs to look into other options. Dhuga to send an email to Frank stating the issues.
e) 2019 Events/Calendar/Program-to discuss
Events Calendar was discussed.
Seniors Talent Show will take place at Glen Erin Inn. Date was subsequently revised and now it will be held on 17th June 2019. Further information to follow.

f) Membership Cards (My/Cynthia)
Working on it.

g) Treasurer’s Report
Andrew provided the report. Balance in the Bank is $515.90 and Cash on hand $150 and $40 from the draw.

h) New Business
Nicole mentioned that on 18th June 2019 there will be a Round Table meeting in Von. As the space is limited, therefore, the attendance is by invitation only. Bring issues for seniors for the discussion.

i) Next Info Meeting: May 27th, 2019. Semiannual AGM

Meeting adjourned at 12 noon.

Prepared by
Amarjit Banwatt
MSC Secretary